Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ballet & T-ball

This summer is already starting out to be a crazy busy one! But we are enjoying every minuet of it. This is the first summer in 5 years that I have not had extra kids. Yes, I am done with daycare!! It feels so good to just be able to enjoy my own kids!
This is Kds first summer doing T Ball. I was a little worried because I put her on a 6 & 7 year old team and this is the 3rd year of T ball for most of her team mates. To my surprise she does really well in keeping up with the older kids. And looking at her you wouldn't know she was any younger. Ry Likes going to her games and playing at the park.
Kd waiting on 3rd.
She didn't want her picture taken and was telling me to get away from her. What I sweet child I have. She seems to like making that face! This was only her second game and they won!
Kd had her ballet recital on Friday. Her class is so cute and although their dance looked like a small train wreck it was fun to watch. She enjoys dancing so much. Enjoy the video!

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