Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is it time yet?

Is it time to be done yet? 22 days left, but hey who's counting? That's right, me! I am so ready to be done, I want this baby out! I have to admit this pregnancy has gone by a lot faster then the first time around with Kadee. I know that the next three weeks are going to go by fast and I will remembering how much easier it is to take care of the baby when it is still in the tummy!


3 Docs and A Diva said...
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Anonymous said...

How cute are you, dont worry the next few weeks will go fast, promise. Let me know if you need anything and let me know when you want me to come get Kadee for a few hours

Amber said...

I remember those feelings. Like you said it will be over before you know it.
Good luck with everything!!!

Mel said...

HOLY BELLY! Nice haircut too!

Ashlie said...

Love the hair! Maybe he'll come early. I hope for that for you :)

~*Jen*~ said...

Lookin good!

jayme said...

So, has the little one come yet? I wish I had had your phone number so we could have called you. There were so many people I would have liked to see, but didn't know how to contact them, (besides that fact that cell phones done work at the house and there is no land line now) Hopefully I can visit again sort of soon.

Susan said...

you've probably had the sweet little one by now but I hope all is going well!! I miss you!!

Ashlie said...

Hey Mandy. Any baby yet? I lost all my phone numbers when my phone crapped out a couple of months ago, or I would have texted you or called. Let me know when he comes, how everything went, what you named him, and all the details! :) Miss you guys...