I have been reading 50 Signs of the Times and the Second Coming by David J. Ridges. This book is right on with almost everything that is going on in this crazy world. Right now I want, need to talk about the things that have been happening in our little world that to me are signs of the time. This past year of our life has been total hell! Things have happened that we thought we would never have to worry about or deal with. Anyway back to the book, it talks about how these things are signs of the times. The first time I read this book was a little over a year ago and I thought to myself, "Our families are so strong in the church, we will never have to worry about this stuff ever happening to us, we will make threw with no problems at all." Maybe its my fault for thinking that!
Signs in our personal life.
There will be much of despair, depression, gloom and doom and emotional instability. It go on to say that, the phrase "men's hearts failing" refers to giving up hope, having no more courage, having no faith ect.
I don't think there is a day that goes by that I don't stop and think about all the crap that has happened this last year and almost start to cry. Its very easy just to give hope and start to question your faith when you see good people make stupid choices that are hurting so many people.
There will be extraordinarily widespread selfishness and lack of caring for others.
2 Timothy 3:2
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
I have so much I could write here, but I'm really not out to hurt feeling, they have been hurt enough.
Sexual Immorality
2 Timothy 3:6
For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
The Family: A Proclamation to the World
"We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets."
In conclusion, D&C 42:23
23 And he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her shall deny the faith , and shall not have the Spirit; and if he repents not he shall be cast out.
These are just the points of the book that we are dealing with first hand in our little world. Here are so many other signs in the book that are happening as well.
I hope that someday our Jenks family will be able to be happy again, it is so hard to try and explain divorce to a three year old. All she know is that Grandma cry's all the time and that she never sees Grandpa anymore. I pray that someday Todd will be able to forgive his dad for things that have been said and done, and I hope that he will be aloud to have a relationship with him again. So much damage has been done that I doubt things will every be good between them again, we are truly having a trial of our faith.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
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Hang in there girl, everything will get better over time. Everything happens for a reason, not always good at first but it will get better. Call me if you need anything, even if you and todd just need time alone let me know and bring the kids over. love ya
We have thought and prayed often for your family. It is a horrible thing. We are so sorry!
Dearest Mandy and Todd,
Your whole family have been in our constant prayers and hearts. It seems many of us have been reaching out to that source which gives us all hope and comfort... the scriptures, our Savior and His incredible Atonement, Our Father in Heaven, the writings of later day Prophets and immersing ourselves in prayer.
Grandma J loves each of you so much, also. I am so sorry for all the pain! As I attend lots of temple weddings it never ceases to amaze me how much we each need to safeguard our marriages and constantly work on them. Never take anything for granted! Your grandfather at yours gave wonderful advice, if I remember right. He is a man of great insight! I loved listening to him.
(The picture I recently posted for Mother's Day of grandma was taken at your wedding luncheon of her hands.)
We always hear those simple gospel principals we must constantly do yetsometimes them seem too easy or we get busy and they fall to the way side. Family prayer, studing the scriptures together, temple attendance etc. I will add keep your marriage on the high priority list of friendship, romance and love.
It was wonderful to talk with your MIL! *M*, I love her! And with Todd while you were camping with your family. Monica is the only one I didn't have the opportunity of hugging over the phone. Wish I could have got a hold of her.
With tears...I am sending so much love to you and to your precious family, which is ours also!
We are family eternal! And we are looking forward to the reunion Kim has planned! See you then!
Aunt *C*
Dad said....I too am hurting like you'll never know and O do apoligize for the hurt nad pain I have caused. I love you all and I too hope that the time will come when you will find peace in you hearts and welcome us back into your lives.
I am troubled by your post and feel your judgement and accsations are unfounded forms of gossip.
Elder Spencer W kimball wrote: Lies and gossip which harm reputations are scattered about by four winds like the seeds of a ripe dandelion held aloft by a child. Neither the seeds nor the gossip can ever be gathered in. The degree and the extent of the harm done by the gossip
is underestimatible. (The Miracle of Forgiveness)
President Gordon B Hinckley has said, the snide remark, the racial slur,hateful epihets,malicious gossip, and mean vicious rumor-mongering should have no place among . By avoiding gossip, stopping when it starts and turning the other cheek when some one else gossips about us we set the example for others. These actions also help us as a society and a family to be of one heart and one mind and as individuals to be worthy to return to live with our heavenly father. While my right cheek is really stinging my left is turned towards you with my love and appreciation for who you are and that you are a special Daughter of God who loves your family, your heavenly father and your savior very much. Thank you for taking such good care of my son and my grandchildren. You have always been very special to me. I also love my heavenly father, my savior and my family Love Dad J
Wow, I thought you were talking about a book...you didn't mention any names...looks like SOMEONE has a guilty conscience! Don't worry, some day SOMEONE is going to have to face his maker, and SOMEONE won't be able to hide behind the words of prophets to justify lusting after another woman and divorcing his wife...huh...I think that's a scripture too...Mark Chapter 10 vs 11 "And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her." Pretty straight forward to me!
Mandy thank you for signs of the times, Melissa I couln't have said it better myself. Through this rotten year, I have learned through others examples what not to do to my family. Forgiveness does not mean that what happened should or should not have happened but that I am going to let those angry negative feelings go so I can move on with my life and be happy. I will never forget what has happened but I am moving on with my life and filling my life with family and friends that I trust, love and want to be around. I will be accountable for my life as will the rest of us.
Uh yeah, what gossip?!?! Did I miss names or something? Nope, I'm pretty sure I didn't! I was thinking that I had just seen some pretty sweet quotes from a book that pointed at some very solid truths! Because, well, I did!
Great food for thought! We all need to be reminded once in awhile to remember what is important, and to let all the rest go. If anyone reading a blog has problems with what is posted, then they do not need to read that blog. I think your post is very enlightening and good. Too bad that those who are guilty take the truth to be hard. Maye they shouldn't take their plays out of the devil's playbook.
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