Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February book's

If you want to know more about the books I read google them.

A Million Shades of Gray
by: Cynthia Kadohata
219 pages, YA

I liked it! Its about a elephant trainer in a village in Vietnam during the Vietnam war. Yes it has some depressing parts but they aren't that bad. I enjoy reading about different places and learning about they way people live. It is a fast easy read.

Plain Pursuit
By: Beth Wiseman
459 pages, Large print fiction

Liked it! I love the Amish country of Lancaster, PA. I have been there twice and can't wait to go back. This is a story about a Amish family that has been hurt by a shunning and how it takes help from the out side to make it all better. I love happy ending as well as large print books.. I have read quite a few Amish romance book and find them enjoyable! Another thing I like about this book was the Amish recipes!

Counterfeit Son
By: Elaine Marie Alphin
180 pages, YA

It's good. Made me hold my kids a little bit tighter. I don't know what to write about this one with out just posting what is on the book cover because I don't to ruin if someone might want to read it. More or less its about a teen finding a new family after being a prisoner in what he thinks is his fathers home. His father is a sick man who kidnaps and kills boys. It is well written and never goes into the "bad" stuff that his dad did.

Johnny Angel
By: Danielle Steel
181 pages

Good. I am starting to think that all of Danielle Steel book are a little depressing at times but I guess that's what makes them good. Well by the title you can tell that 17 year old Johnny, the perfect son, student, athlete, brother, and boyfriend dies. His family however is not perfect and his death makes it worse. But through a miracle and his mom, he is able to help his family from the beyond. I did like it, but like the last Steel book it did make me cry and maybe I am just a cry baby!

By: Cynthia Kadohata
244 pages YA

Kira-kira: glittering, shining. Anther good book by Cynthia Kadoata! This book is another tear jerker! A Japanese family moves from Iowa to Georgia. The book is about two very close sisters and how their lives change due to the move and illness, but also how growing up sucks and how things are always changing even when you don't want them to. This made me miss my sister Audrey a lot and I think that's why it turned on the water works! Or like I said before, I'm just a cry baby.

Captain Wentworth's Diary
By: Amanda Grange
293 pages

I love nothing more the a good historical romance!!! LOVED IT!!! I think that this book annoyed Todd because while I was reading it I would say "OH" and "AH" randomly because its just so good! I'll stop being a sap now.

Once was Lost
By: Sara Zarr
217 pages

I likes it. The story is told by 15 year old Sam who is the daughter of a pastor. Her mother has a drinking problem and ends up in rehab. Sam is having some of her own issues with her faith when a member of her youth group goes missing. This tragedy shakes her faith even more. It is a good story and a fast easy read.

The Forest of Hands and Teeth
By: Carrie Ryan
308 pages

What to say.. I thought this one was going to be like "The Village" and some parts it was. It was good, not great but good. But if you are in to zombies, people dieing and broken love then this book is for you! Not me. I like happy endings. However it was really well written easy to follow and went rather fast. For not being in love with it I sure did have a hard time putting it down. I guess my issue with it was that the main girl Mary is quite selfish.

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